sympathetic dominance

Your Nervous System

Your Nervous System

The nervous system helps all the parts of the body to communicate with each other. It also reacts to changes both outside and inside the body, such as stress or trauma… Join chiro Karli for a discussion on how the it may present in your body!

Creative Mindfulness Practices to Help with Anxiety

Creative Mindfulness Practices to Help with Anxiety

The entire world has experienced major emotional turbulence over the past several years. Because of this, anxiety and depression have spiked. People feel less connected to each other due to isolation and social restrictions. What can we do about this? Join Guest Blogger Dana Burton as she talks you through some steps to help manage your emotions.

Nurturing your Stress Response: Natural Ways to Help Nourish your Nervous System

Nurturing your Stress Response: Natural Ways to Help Nourish your Nervous System

Phoebe Jobson from Nutmeg Naturopathy and Dr Lucy Bartlett (Chiro) from Nomad Chiropractic talk about all things STRESS and NERVOUS SYSTEM HEALTH. They share their knowledge and tips regarding what natural strategies we can be implementing to help nourish our nervous system and take control of our stress. In particular, Phoebe and Lucy focus on posture + spinal health and gut health, highlighting the vital role these areas play in our stress response.