Meet your Lower North Shore & Lower Northern Beaches Chiropractor Lucy!

Dr Lucy Bartlett

Advanced Paediatric Chiropractor (ACCP)
B.Bus, B.Chiro.Sc, M.Chiro, DACCP (Paediatrics)

Currently on Clinical Maternity Leave

Lucy is on Clinical Maternity Leave

Dr Lucy Bartlett (Family Chiropractor) grew up on Sydney's North Shore but spent several years as a locum (nomad) chiropractor travelling the country learning from multiple practitioners with a wide variety of techniques. On returning to Sydney at the end of 2018 Nomad Chiropractic in Mosman was born!

As a family wellness chiropractor she loves looking after the whole family.
Special areas of interest are:

  • Brain - body connection — all encompassing wellness optimisation and maintenance

  • Stress reduction

  • Babies - all things babies! Breastfeeding difficulties, TOTs, breast/head preference, headshape (plagiocephaly / dolicocephaly etc), Milestones: slow to them, missing them, skipping them!; Unsettled babies, general health and wellbeing checks etc.

  • Kids (including Retained Primitive Reflexes)

  • Pregnancy (Webster Certified) - PSD, groin pain, round ligament pain, back pain, mid back pain, headaches, optimal positioning etc

  • Balance

  • Cranial work


  • And the usual symptoms like back pain, neck pain, headaches

    When not in the clinic Lucy can be found spending time with her little family (currently 2 under 2!). Weekends are usually spent road tripping, trail running, ocean swimming, attempting to surf; and she’d love to get back into triathlon too! But naturally we’re home hermits at the moment with daily outings into all things sensory and exploratory for our kids. How great are rock pools and bush tracks in our area!

    She has a clear passion for holistic and collaborative health care. Lucy Bartlett and Nomad Chiropractic is here for you when you’re ready to kick start your health journey.

    For more information call us on: 0491 064 117


  • Bachelor of Business (UTS)

  • Bachelor of Chiropractic Science (Macquarie Uni)

  • Master of Chiropractic (Macquarie Uni)

  • Diplomate of Chiropractic Paediatrics (DACCP)

  • Advanced Paediatric Chiropractor (ACCP)

  • Webster Certified (ICPA)

  • Tethered Oral Ties (TOTs) Certified (ICPA)

  • Academic: Pregnancy and Paediatrics educator at CQU Sydney Campus 2022


  • Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)

    • Cranials

    • TMJ

  • Thompson Technique

  • Diversified

  • Network Spinal Analysis (NSA)

  • Bio-Geometric Integration (BGI)

  • Activator

  • Webster Technique

  • Melillo Method 5d trained (Retained Primitive Reflexes)

  • Switched on Kids (SOK) (Retained Primitive Reflexes)


  • Australia Chiropractic Association (ACA)

  • Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)

  • International Chiropractic Paediatric Association (ICPA)

  • Australian Chiropractic College of Paediatrics (ACCP)


Lucy is currently on clinical maternity leave. Return date TBC.