Osgood Schlatters

By Dr Karli Plowright - Nomad Chiropractic
(Family Wellness Chiropractor + Exercise Scientist)

Osgood-Schlatter Disease is a common cause of knee pain, most commonly found in growing adolescents, usually between 10-16 years old.

The knee pain is caused by inflammation at the tibial tuberosity, aka the bony ridge just below the knee.
The inflammation is due to repetitive traction on the tibial tuberosity from the quadriceps around the growth plate - most commonly found in active children.

Symptoms your child or you may be noticing may include:

  • Knee pain at the tibial tuberosity

  • Tenderness at the tibial tuberosity

  • Swelling at the tibial tuberosity

  • Tight quadriceps and hamstrings

  • Limping when walking/running

Treatment options depend on the severity of inflammation at the knee, so it is recommended to come in and get assessed by your local Mosman Chiropractor. A thorough knee examination will be conducted, along with walking, running and jumping tests to see aggravating positions. Once severity is known, it will give us an idea of how active or sedentary your child or you can be. Usually if the pain isn't too severe and there is no limp, it is safe for them to continue sports.

Other alternative treatment options include:

  • Adjustments/mobilisations of knee and surrounding ankle/hip/sacroiliac joints

  • Stretching of surrounding muscles

  • Icing the knee 

The prominent tibial tuberosity will persist, therefore early diagnosis and treatment is recommended. Most symptoms will disappear when the child completes their growth spurt, therefore surgery isn’t often recommended.

Book online if you’d like an assessment or send us an email if you’ve got queries!

Till next time,

Chiro Karli

Nomad Chiropractic Mosman


Book in online with your Mosman Chiropractors Lucy Bartlett, Olly Kerr, Kristin Webb and locum Sandy Ghobrial at www.nomadchiropractic.com.au

Located at: Suite 1, 563 Military Road Mosman NSW 2088 Rear entry
Ph 0491 064 117

For More Information head to: www.nomadchiropractic.com.au/chiro-research

*Please note: Karli Plowright is no longer a practitioner at Nomad Chiropractic in Mosman as she has relocated to WA in December 2022. All practitioners in the clinic are, however, educated in this field.