baby chiro

Why is muscle tone so important in children?

Why is muscle tone so important in children?

Muscle tone is the indicator of effective development in our children.
Muscle tone helps with confidence and ability with skills that require balance, coordination and proprioception.
Muscle tone supports posture/alignment, which helps with proper biomechanics of the body/joints.
Good muscle tone in early months and years of life is crucial in the development of the lower limbs
Join Mosman Chiropractors for the full discussion…

Babies and Torticollis "wry neck"

Babies and Torticollis "wry neck"

What is torticollis?
What causes torticollis in babies?
How would I know if my baby has a torticollis?
What happens if I don’t correct my baby’s torticollis?
How can I help my baby’s torticollis?
What home-care exercises can I do for my baby’s torticollis?
Join chiropractor Karli Plowright as she answers some of your common questions on baby torticollis…