By Dr Karli Plowright (Family Wellness Chiropractor - Nomad Chiropractic Mosman)
Chiropractor and Exercise Scientist
Many people think getting headaches is a normal part of life…but this is not the case. Headaches are one of the most common ways your body can communicate to you that there is something wrong, and that needs be addressed.
There are a number of different types of headaches, the most common being;
1) Tension headaches
This is by fat the most common headache to come into my office. If this is you, you would be familiar with a constant dull ache around your head, or behind the eyes or even at the base of the skull. This can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few days/weeks. These guys are most likely from poor posture causing dysfunction to your spine and surrounding muscles in the neck and upper back.
2) Cluster headaches
These are short sharp bouts of pain, felt one sided behind the eye. As you can probably tell from the name they occur a few times a day for a couple of days.
3) Cervicogenic headaches
These headaches are most commonly due to dysfunction or irritation in the neck. You may find turning the neck or looking in your blind spot is causing pain / tension.
4) Migraines
Another common headache, these types present as an intense throbbing pain on one side of the head that can last from a few hours to a few days. This headache can be associated with sensitivity to light and/or sound and can cause some nausea/vomiting. The most common triggers of migraines include but are not limited to: lack of sleep, stress, changes in hormone levels and some foods.
Why do headaches happen?
Commonly, these sorts of headaches are due to a dysfunction with the pain-sensitive structures in the neck. Various structures in the brain or surrounding your skull and neck, like nerves, joints and muscles, can play a role in your headache. Many things can trigger an irritation and/or dysfunction, some may include but not limited to;
Lack of sleep
Poor posture
Excessive stress
Some processed meats
Pain referred to the head by the joints and/or muscles of the neck.
How can chiropractic help?
Your Mosman Chiropractor Karli would perform a history taking, physical examination, and a orthopaedic examination to assess your neck and surround areas to rule out anything further along with determining which headache type you have. Treatment will always vary depending on severity and type of headache but treating joint dysfunction may help relieve pain and restore proper function, this can be done through adjustments, muscle release, stretching, posture tips and at home exercises to begin strengthening the area.
Some home tips to try for your headaches:
1) Hot and cold packs
This can help if placed at the base of the skull. Alternatively taking a hot shower or immersing yourself in a bath may also help. Remember to be using the heat or ice packs for 20-minute intervals, on and off.
2) Sub occipital muscle release
Take a tennis balls and then lie down on the floor and put the tennis ball under the base of the skull. Relax and allow the weight of the head to compress against the ball. Then slowly and gently rock the head backwards and forwards and from side to side for a few minutes to allow the muscles in the neck to relax.
3) Hydration
Drink plenty of water as mild dehydration can sometimes trigger a tension headache, so upping the water intake and avoiding caffeine will help.
4) Supplements
Magnesium or electrolytes are awesome to prevent / lessen the effects of your headache, so any of our practitioner preferred magnesium will help, try our Calm X magnesium.
6) Posture
The biggest one coming from me is to correct your posture. Have a look at the posture tips below from my @karli.chiro instagram to help lessen pressure on certain spots in your spine and body, whether this is whilst you are at work or home or even just standing.
There is evidence that states spinal adjustments result in improvement for headaches originating from the neck and has significant fewer side effects and longer lasting relief in comparison to pain medication. There are also many other primary / secondary headaches that you could be experiencing so come in and get your headaches assessed by Karli chiro and we can talk about treatment options for you.
Till next time,
Chiro Karli :)
Nomad Chiropractic Mosman
Book in online with your Mosman Chiropractors Lucy Bartlett, Karli Plowright and Sandy Ghobrial at
Located at: Suite 1, 563 Military Road Mosman NSW 2088 Rear entry -- find the cacti and you'll see our door!
Ph 02 9969 7503
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For more information from Chiro Karli check out her instagram: @karli.chiro