• Dr Kristin Webb (Family Chiropractor) - Book Online Here

    Kristin is originally from Canada but now calls Australia home. She joined Nomad Chiropractic in 2022 and has a special interest in Perinatal Care and Rehabilitation as well as paediatrics. She uses the spine as the window to the nervous system, that is to say we use Brain-Body connectivity as a method to assess your vitality. Whether you need help with back pain, neck pain and headaches; pregnancy and newborn care; or if you would just like to be the best version of yourself, Kristin is here for you. Learn more about Kristin here.

    Dr Sandy Ghobrial (Family Chiropractor) - Book Online Here

    Sandy is a mother of 3 and has been a chiropractor for over a decade. Sandy has a vitalistic approach to your family’s health and wellbeing including caring for your symptoms like back or neck pain etc. Her goal is to help you thrive by removing the nerve interference holding your system back from repairing itself. From posture correction, pain relief, to maintenance care - Sandy is here for you when you’re ready to kickstart your health journey.
    Read more about Sandy here.

    Dr Lucy Bartlett (Principal Family Chiropractor)
    (Currently on clinical maternity leave)

    Lucy is the owner of Nomad Chiropractic in Mosman. She loves caring for the whole family with a special interest in pregnancy and paediatric care. Her goal is to help you and your family thrive naturally. Lucy is currently on clinical maternity leave with her second baby. You’re in amazing hands with Kristin & Sandy.
    Learn more about Lucy here.

  • Chiropractic is a natural, scientific health care discipline that focuses on the health and wellbeing of your spine and nervous system.

    Chiropractors ensure that your nervous system is functioning optimally by making adjustments to the spine, skull, pelvis and extremities. Focussing on the relationship between the structure and function of your body and embracing the principle that your body is a self-healing, self-regulating organism.

    90% of the stimulation of the brain comes from the movement of the spine — Dr. Roger Sperry, Nobel Prize Winner.

    Learn more here.



Back Pain is common but it’s not normal…

Pain is a smart signal from your brain to alert you to make a change… are you listening?

the preservation of health..

..is easier than the cure for disease. BJ Palmer


during your pregnancy and give yourself the best chance of an empowered birth


every second with your baby… with gentle chiropractic


REAR ENTRY on the cafe strip
Suite 1, 563 Military Rd Mosman NSW 2088



  • Available both on the street and in the Vista St parking station (2hrs free).

  • 2min walk from the Spit Junction bus stops.